WAEC & NECO certificate
West African Senior Secondary Certificate: This is awarded to both the Technical and Science students by the West African Examinations Council.
NECO: Science students are presented to the National Examinations Council of Nigeria for the National Senior School Certificate Examination.
The reason for two examinations for each (Technical or Science) student is to ensure that they qualify for the next level of education without loosing the year of graduation.
Compulsory Subjects:
English Language
General Mathematics
Civic Education
Trade/Entrepreneurship Subject (Data Processing)
Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) is a compulsory choice for all Christian students
Elective Groups:
Only one subject can be selected from a given group.
(A):Literature-in-English or Geography or History
(B):Agricultural Science or Technical Drawing or Foods & Nutrition
(C):Further Mathematics or Visual Art
(D):Physics or Government or Music
(E)C:hemistry or History
(F):Computer Studies or Geography
(G):French Language or Hausa Language