This is an Alert
Staff Quarters are OUT OF BOUNDS to all students except on emergency case and/or with the permission of the Principal. Any student found at the quarters will be severely punished. Guardian/student interactions must be done in school.
The staff common room and administrative rooms are OUT OF BOUNDS to all students except on emergency case or when invited and/or with the permission of the Principal. Any student found at these “red areas” will be severely punished. No student remove anything from such offices without due permission
Parents should make use of any of the Dustbins at various locations in the school compound to avoid dumping of wastes. Students must not bring their snacks to class during or after the long break.
On resumption, students are to enter the school premises with skin cut hair style called “ABOLO”. Failure to comply, such a student will be sent back home
This is an Alert
Dinning Manners:
1. Every student is expected to report promptly to the refectory whenever the bell for meal is rang.
2. A high degree of decorum is expected from all during meals.
3. All meals must be taken in the hall expect for sick students whose meals may be taken for them to the Sick Bay.
4. Any student found depriving another student of his/her food is deemed to have committed a grievous and punishable offences.
5. Students should ensure that they have their individual, correct and complete cuttleries and dining utensils, which must not be shared with any other student during meals.
6. The kitchen staff and all other members must be respected by all students. Under no circumstance should a student engage a staff in confrontation
Obedience is an act of Faith, disobedience is the result of unbelief
... Edwin Louis Cole...
Hostel Rules & Manners
This is an Alert
1. All students are expected to wake up at 5:30am for the morning prayers every day Morning chores including the cleaning of the hostels and environs, and personal hygiene must be observed and concluded before 6:45am
2. Students are expected to get to the refectory, (Dinning) for breakfast at 6:45am Mondays and Fridays and at 7:00am Tuesdays to Thursdays.
3. Students must keep their beds, corners and personal effects tidy at all times Light-out which is at 9:30pm must be strictly observed
4. No student is allowed to receive any visitor in the hostel
5. Students are not permitted to keep more than N200 with him/her as pocket money in the hostel. Monies in excess of the N200 should be deposited with the guardian, housemaster or mistress <,hr>6. Hostel inspection is a compulsory exercise.
7. Students should, therefore, be prepared and make themselves ready for the inspection especially on Saturdays. ,
8. Girls hostels are out of bound to boys and so also the boys hostel to girls.
9. Under no circumstance should a boy or girl be found in the girls or boys hostel.
10. The hostels are locked during the following activities: (Normal and Extra) classes; prep, Friday sanitation exercise, club and society meetings and sporting activities.
11. No student should, therefore be found around the hostel during the period of these activities

“At the library, information (education) is free just come with your basket” All library rules must be obeyed.
1. Stealing, defacing and /or mutilating of library materials is a capital offence
2. Punishment for offenders may include replacement/payment for the book(s), blacklisting, suspension or dismissal from the College depending on the gravity of the offence.
3. Absolute silence must he maintained in and around the library premises Personal text books should be kept away from the library
4. All kinds of food including biscuits, soft drinks, water, etc. are prohibited from the library.
2. Punishment for offenders may include replacement/payment for the book(s), blacklisting, suspension or dismissal from the College depending on the gravity of the offence.
3. Absolute silence must he maintained in and around the library premises Personal text books should be kept away from the library
4. All kinds of food including biscuits, soft drinks, water, etc. are prohibited from the library.