Integrated Service Platforms..
FSTC-UROMI Result Management System....

Result Management System.

Provides a highly personalized portal- based solutions that captures the school processes and makes all operations (Students Finance, Admission and Records, Continues Assessment, Terminal Reports, etc) accessible and managed via the web, thus allowing us to effectively serve all stakeholders: students, parents, teachers, administrators, and etc. This solution is based on portal technology, which enables the greatest possible flexibility and personalization. It is an integrated solution that combines systems to serve a wide range of key audience and stakeholders of dear College. In clearer terms, what a portal-based solution does, for example, is that by creating a password, a student, an administrator or a teacher will have a web platform where he or she can perform duties only applicable to his or her profile at any time. This means that school’s administrators will have a wide access of the system and control all the various activities..

Please login to explore, using the result portal sublink of the menu "Portals" in the homepage of this website with your username and password
Please click here to login for Portal access

PTA & STAFF SCHOOL -Billing System.

Above Billing System is the college initiative for digitalized mode of the College Staff school billing and that of the PTA. The System as powered by Interswitch Nigeria Limited, is designed for:
1. Tracking financial transactions.
2. Managing Pupils' school fees payment in the College staff school and PTA Payment in FSTC-Uromi.
3. Enhancing a seamless flow of transactions in Federal Unity Colleges..

Please login to explore, using the link as provided in the homepage of this website with your student-ID and other required details
Please click here to pay staff school Fee and PTA Levy Online

FME-Central Billing System.

Central Billing System (CBS) is a Federal Ministry of Education initiative for uniform mode of school fees billing and payment in all Federal Unity Colleges. CBS is designed for:
1. Tracking financial transactions.
2. Managing students' school fees payment only.
3. Enhancing a seamless flow of transactions in Federal Unity Colleges..

Please login to explore, using the CBS portal sublink of the menu "Portals" in the homepage of this website with your username and password
Please click here to Pay School Fee online
Issue Resolution System

Case|Issue Resolution System.

Above customized System is the college initiative for digitalized mode of resolving Technical Issues from any of our integrated platforms. We believe that no system is ever perfect in operations except it is no longer in existence. Thus, the System as powered by the college, is designed for:
1. Reporting Issues using Ticketing scheme to our Technical Team.
2. Tracking and managing all reported issues for resolution.
3. Enhancing a seamless flow of issue resolutions in the college..

Please click to explore, the issue resolution portal Sublink of the menu "Portals" in the homepage of this website and fill the form to submit a ticket for an issue
Please click here to share your issue with our support staff for resolution

PTA Interactive Forum.

In the spirit of inclusiveness, we allow all parents of the college, access to a forum where non technical issues are constructively discussed for peaceful resolutions. Thus, the System as powered by the college, is designed for:
1. Reporting Issues constructively for discussion.
2. Tracking and managing all reported non technical issues for resolution.
3. Enhancing a seamless flow of communication between the college and our parents.

Please login to explore, using the PTA Interactive forum portal Sublink of the menu "Portals" in the homepage of this website with your username and password
Please click here to login for forum access


Principal's Welcome Message...

Introducing College Official Website...

We warmly welcome you to our website! Our website remains a veritable source of information about Federal Science and Technical College, Uromi. We invite you, therefore, to search for information available on our site. However, we are currently upgrading our site; we, therefore appeal that you be patient with us should what you seek for is not readily available yet.The College continues to produce well-formed critical thinkers and future leaders in learning, in character, in spiritual development and in service to humanity. The College is a home of academic excellence, where intellectual giants are nurtured and raised to become impactful and responsible citizens. It will be a blessing and a privilege to join such a wonderfully vibrant and successful school community, an award-winning institution that is clearly defined in terms of students’ learning and well-being, and a sacred place where future leaders are groomed.

Mr Ezekiel Ogbuanya (Director|Principal)
Welcome to
Federal Science and Technical College
, Uromi

Federal Science and Technical College, Uromi was established in 1999 alongside two other colleges, one in Tungbo, Bayelsa State and the other in Ikare-Akoko, Ondo State. Credit must be given to Mr. Ibebunjo, an Ibo philanthropist, who established a Skills Acquisition/Trade Centre in 1963 and handed it over to his church, the Baptist, before leaving Uromi for his home town at the outbreak of the Nigeria Civil War, 1967-1970.

The Church renamed it Esan Baptist Trade Centre. Thereafter, Bendel State Government took over the Centre from the Voluntary Agency, the Baptist Church and renamed it Uromi Technical College. In 1999, the College became a Federal Unity College and took over the facilities of the then Uromi Technical College but the actual take off of the college was Sunday 5thNovember, 2000. The College took off as Federal Technical College with Eight Departments:

1. Bricklaying, Blocklaying and Concreting (BBC), 2. Book-Keeping and Secretarial Studies (BKK/SS), 3. Catering Craft Practice (CCP), 4. Electrical Installation and Maintenance Work (EIM), 5. Radio Television and Electronic Work, 6. Furniture Making (FM), 7. General Studies (OS), 8. Motor Vehicle Mechanics (MVM)

Our Vice Principals
Yahaya Abu


Ajoku Ngozi
Ajoku Ngozi
Sunday Ojiezele
Ojiezele Sunday

Special Duties



The College is owned by Federal Government of Nigeria, Supervised by the Federal Ministry of Education and Managed by seasoned technocrats as follows:
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College Life
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